
ripped jeans and striped shirt/ white total look

Hey there! So a total white look is not something out of the ordinary for me. It is expected of me as I love white so much! I promised on my Instagram that I will be posting this look today the latest so here it is.
I feel it's totally me. The vibe and the black and white is totally me.
These were shot around 8pm and mainly that's why I chose to publish them in black and white. Because of the bad lighting. When I had a shoot, when coming home and going through them, I have this urge to edit all of them and then publish only the best ones. It takes so much timeee! And I am trying to stop but....so many times it's happened that I ended up liking the ones I initially hated or wanted to erase from my laptop. It's like a give a chance to every picture to prove itself haha. Such a funny sentence! Anyways, therefore it's 5am again and I really want to keep up to date with my outfits on here. I'm motivated.
Tomorrow I have a date with an friend and I really want to also have a good sleep till then. I'll take the camera with me so I think I'll shoot something for the blog and share it here.
You can also keep up with me on
Instagram: @simonanutu_
Snapchat:  @simona_nutu
Facebook: Fashion Surfing

So there's no reason why we would not stay in touch now! I'm also really open to you proposing new topics for my future posts! I'm really into the idea of doing something fall inspired or a video about summer pieces transitioning into autumn. It's just that when it comes to clothing I'm pretty much spontaneous and wear that is new in my closet or what feels right in the moment. I'll be thinking about something though!

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